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Created 16-Jun-19
Modified 22-Mar-24
Visitors 301
31 photos

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IMG_1559-EditL1001218-Edit-Edit-5_DSF6714-Edit-2IMG_4795 (1)-Editmarylou-Edit-Edit_DSF6462-EditDSC02154-Edit-EditDSC01517-EditIMG_1922-Edit_DSF7708-EditDSC01282-Edit-Edit-2UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_2b5a-Edit-4IMG_1939-EditDSC00490-Edit-2-Edit-2Hole-EditL1000214-Edit-2-Edit-4-EditL1030607-Edit-EditDSC03359-EditL1010609-Edit-5-Edit-6_DSF6842-Edit

Guestbook for Dementia Portraits and Perception
GEORGE G SLADE(non-registered)
I think your work here is very effective. The handwriting font in particular. I'm not a huge fan of this, but in your case it brings attention to the voices of the faces. There's a tender kind of tension in that. The words, like the lives, are veering toward abstraction, though there's still connection between you and the people you photograph. My father seems to have passed this point in his journey.

I pasted a link to your portfolio on the Facebook site I use to focus on my father.

Thanks for your pieces.
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